how it works

  • 1. Sign Up: Sign up and assign an exclusive Nutsh Number of your choice to your real mobile number.
  • 2. Socialize: Publish your Nutsh Number on all the social, dating, and chatting sites, or anywhere on the internet without compromising your privacy.
  • 3. Make Money: Start making per minute profit from every call you receive on your Nutsh Number.


You have 2 attempts left for today

Please select your mobile operator

You are buying a Nutsh Bronze Number for charged to your mobile bill

Send an SMS with "" to then press FINISH to confirm!

You are buying a Nutsh Bronze Number for charged to your mobile bill

Waiting for Confirmation

Cheers! Nutsh is free for the first month!
You need to call your Nutsh Number + from + to validate your mobile number.

Share your Nutsh Number and start making money.

Your monthly subscription of 1$ will be deducted from your earnings starting next month.

Have fun and good luck!




We didn't Get your CALL Yet

Please make sure you have Called your Nutsh Number + from your mobile number "+" and have waited until it is validated before your retry to press FINISH.


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how it works

Get a Nutsh Number now and start making money by following these 3 simple steps!

  • Sign Up
  • Socialize
  • Make Money
Socialize and Make Money with Nutsh!